Posted on 11:23 AM
blog started years ago as a project to keep my sad little self busy. I
was in a crappy marriage and life was no fun. I had stopped doing all
the things that made me happy because I was busy trying to make someone
else happy. Oh, and I lived 1500 miles away from my nearest family.
Yeah, that stunk.But then, in a moment of frustration and inspiration, I put pen to paper and knocked out a One Year Plan.
And in that first year, I shook that anchor of a husband, stopped crying, reconnected with friends and family, got a new job, got a new place, decorated it like crazy, got out of debt, ran my dog a mile every day and started up with all things creative again.
I know, right? High five!
That felt so good that when the one year was up on July 4th, 2009 (Independence Day... yeah, yeah, I liked the symbolism), I decided to write out another plan. And the second year saw me meeting the most amazing man, Matt! He's my sweet love and one of the most positive influences in my life. Together, we moved to NYC, where we are doing our very best to live the dream.
And so here I am, in New York City, trying to do the things I say I'm going to do. Because really, what could be more awesome than that?
One Year Plan v3.0
Deadline: July 4th, 2012
1. Do more things that I want to do and not just what I think I have to do. i.e. Sit down and read a book if it strikes me. Cleaning the toilet can wait til later.
2. Stop working 14 hours a day... every day. Life is too short and money is not that worth it.
3. Eat slower. Wait... first, actually eat. And then when I do, eat it slower.
4. Go home as often as I can. That family of mine is pretty great.
5. Write something every day. The effort will matter.
6. Follow through and actually paint those pictures I keep talking about.
7. Actually make a serious dent in writing that book I keep talking about.
8. Plan my wedding!
9. Do more "activities." Take tours and classes and trips... oh my!
10. Finish my home video project by Christmas.
11. Get back on track. Find a way to save more money! Get half a down payment on a house together and keep that credit history clean!
12. Focus.
2. Stop working 14 hours a day... every day. Life is too short and money is not that worth it.
3. Eat slower. Wait... first, actually eat. And then when I do, eat it slower.
4. Go home as often as I can. That family of mine is pretty great.
5. Write something every day. The effort will matter.
6. Follow through and actually paint those pictures I keep talking about.
7. Actually make a serious dent in writing that book I keep talking about.
8. Plan my wedding!
9. Do more "activities." Take tours and classes and trips... oh my!
10. Finish my home video project by Christmas.
11. Get back on track. Find a way to save more money! Get half a down payment on a house together and keep that credit history clean!
12. Focus.