Who is Matt?
He's just some guy I know.
Yeah, ok, you got me.
Beside being the sweetest love of my life, he also one of my most favorite best friends.Seriously, you should really hang out with him. He's a total blasty blast.
Here's my honey in a nut shell:
A graduate of The French Culinary Institute, Matt has a reputation in New York City for being an incredibly gifted chef. He thrives best in high volume, high pressure kitchens, which surprises no one who knows him - Matt goes "H.A.A.M" in everything he does.
And he's mighty cute in that chef coat, if you ask me.
He's got the muscles and the tattoos and this I've heard can make him come off as sharp-edged, something I'm positive he doesn't mind, by the way. But for him, the ink carries a much loftier meaning. Each tattoo signifies a moment in his life that rocked him - a time or event that he feels he could have just as easily not walked away or rebounded from, but somehow did and it must have been for a reason. And so now he is determined to deserve his second chances.
Wanna hear a story? He was riding his bike on the FDR one late night on his way home from work a couple years back when he was hit by a car (who then ran. Jerk). The impact launched him up over the median and into the middle of on coming traffic. He broke damn near everything when he hit the ground and should have died. For those who don't drive in NYC, the FDR is no joke. What saved him? It was a Sunday on a holiday weekend. This accident is what forced him to leave NYC for his mother's house in Florida - where we met!
Hey Matt, tell me quick a bunch of things that you like: "Jack Daniels, my bike, your butt, PlayStation 3, Call of Duty, cooking, my camera, my dogs, my Prada sunglasses and my sweet new car."
Matt on the day he fell asleep with Kalee's little lady, Marlow. He's really jazzed to have kids of his own some day.