
a wandering girl growing less lost by the day


Welcome to our home! To open the front door for you, we had to walk right past this intercom that we never use. We use it so very little because all those invited over know that ringing this intercom will certainly cause our dogs to beast out - a spaz session that will be suffered by all.  Matt has gone and hung a picture frame on it.

Matt thinks that I don't let him decorate. While I'm sure that's partially true (he is the grand master of the "junk bowl"),  at least I painted him this gun. I mean, what's more masculine than that?!

Opposite this painting is the closet where we store our refrigerator.
Oh, tiny kitchen, at least you're cute.

A few details we love most about our living room:
Matt's collection of decanters... and the booze he stores within.

Memories from home - pictures from my grandparents' wedding.

Bottles, bottles everywhere... but these we must be together to drink.

Open the french doors at the end of our living room, and belly flop onto our king-sized Tempuredic bed!
A girl's gotta have priorities.

Sure, you're so close you could reach out and slap the couch while lying in bed, but check out this view... ok, just kidding. Thanks, IKEA, for the biggest photo ever!

... and for giving us the opportunity to trick our friends into thinking we've set out on a massive quest.

I personally like to pause here before throwing out the door to the back yard.
Who needs books, when you have shoes.

And the best room in the house? The back yard!
It's the same size as the apartment and is completely private. High Five, Upper East Side! You don't even feel like you're in the city when you're back there. Even killing zombies is more fun when you carry the TV out with you.

And dinner's are always sweeter in an outdoor dining room.
I'm in love with this apartment!